Mar 22, 2020
Jonathan, Chris, and special guest Nicholas Koziris discuss the popular novel House of God by Samuel Shem, a thinly veiled fictional account of Shem’s year as a medical intern at a major hospital in Boston, published in 1978. They discuss despair, suicide, and doctors lusting after busty nurses. But they mostly look...
Mar 17, 2020
Morgan Sweeney, who has collaborated with us in the past, has created a podcast that uses storytelling set in the Forgotten Realms of Dungeons & Dragons to teach people about the ways of the human brain. It’s called Magic of the Mind, and we are sharing its second episode, on perception and attention, because we, uh,...
Mar 8, 2020
Arthritis: what it is; osteoarthritis vs. inflammatory arthritis; rheumatism; the risks and benefits of treatments // biosimilars, the “generic drugs” of biologics // Q&A: Chris’ qualms about omega-3 supplements for your heart // The Health Canada Ministry of Truth // Natural products claiming to cure cancer