Feb 19, 2017
Chris’ loneliness leads Jonathan to spray him in the eyes with a $20 concoction that will allegedly make him irresistible to the ladies. But do human pheromones actually exist? Their investigation leads them to contemplate pig husbandry and dentist chairs. Plus: what we know of seasonal affective disorder and whether you can cure it by shoving light into your ears; cancer mortality rates are decreasing despite what charlatans keep claiming; and a teething tablet manufacturer clearly believes in safety first.
Vox pop by comedian Kirsten Finch.
Jingle by Jillian Kate.
Additional music by Kevin MacLeod.
Theme music: “Troll of the Mountain Swing” by the Underscore Orkestra.
The Human Charger official website is https://www.humancharger.com
The MOT investigative journalism video (in Finnish, with English subtitles) is available on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXuNK4050m0
The EarLight clinical trial where the placebo group became a treatment group can be seen here: https://clinicaltrials.gov/archive/NCT01293409/2011_05_31/changes
For a more comprehensive history behind the EarLight/HumanCharger, http://earlightswindle.com